Practice writing, make friends. Lang-8 is da bomb.

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While I usually cringe a little at websites that advertise themselves with banners that say things like “LEARN A LANGUAGE! FREE!”, since usually they’re a Rosetta Stone-esque gimmicky kind of site that ends up teaching you how to say such crucial phrases as “THE PURPLE ELEPHANT IS SLEEPING UNDER THE TABLE” and not much else…there is one website that I find to be pre-tty dang cool, and that is Lang-8.

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Asiaglot? What the heck?

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Alright, first post! Time to take this baby for a spin….! (I’ve always wanted to say that, but I’ve never had a badass motorcycle to say it about….UNTIL NOW! This blog is now my badass motorcycle and I will ride it all the way to fluency. Just pretend, okay.)

Welcome to Asiaglot!

Hi there everybody, my name’s Valerie and this is the beginning of my brand-new language-learning blog, Asiaglot! The name may sound unpleasant, but I assure you, there is nothing gross or scary here. (Well, not yet anyways.  We’ll see how long it takes before it is apparent to my readers that I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy. It probably won’t be long at all.  While we’re on the topic, here’s a brand-new Japanese word for you to learn, right off the bat: うんこ ‘unko’! It means poop, and sounds every bit as immature as it does in English. Try shouting it in increasingly loud intervals for a more family-friendly version of another popular shouting game. Okay? Okay. Back on track, now that your second-hand embarrassment meters are skyrocketing.)

Ahem. For those of you that haven’t already closed this tab in a frowning, face-palming frenzy, I’ll explain the name of the blog.  “Asiaglot” is a word I just made up, but I like to think it comes from the words Asia and polyglot.  A polyglot is someone who speaks many different languages fluently! Basically, I want to be a polyglot who specializes in Asian languages.

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