Tag Archives: blogging

Asiaglot? What the heck?

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Alright, first post! Time to take this baby for a spin….! (I’ve always wanted to say that, but I’ve never had a badass motorcycle to say it about….UNTIL NOW! This blog is now my badass motorcycle and I will ride it all the way to fluency. Just pretend, okay.)

Welcome to Asiaglot!

Hi there everybody, my name’s Valerie and this is the beginning of my brand-new language-learning blog, Asiaglot! The name may sound unpleasant, but I assure you, there is nothing gross or scary here. (Well, not yet anyways.  We’ll see how long it takes before it is apparent to my readers that I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy. It probably won’t be long at all.  While we’re on the topic, here’s a brand-new Japanese word for you to learn, right off the bat: うんこ ‘unko’! It means poop, and sounds every bit as immature as it does in English. Try shouting it in increasingly loud intervals for a more family-friendly version of another popular shouting game. Okay? Okay. Back on track, now that your second-hand embarrassment meters are skyrocketing.)

Ahem. For those of you that haven’t already closed this tab in a frowning, face-palming frenzy, I’ll explain the name of the blog.  “Asiaglot” is a word I just made up, but I like to think it comes from the words Asia and polyglot.  A polyglot is someone who speaks many different languages fluently! Basically, I want to be a polyglot who specializes in Asian languages.

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